Kingfishers of Oregon (1 Species to Know)

Kingfishers are fascinating birds that specialize in catching and eating fish. There are a handful of different kingfisher species in North America, but only one species that can be found in Oregon. Here is everything you need to know about that species.

Belted Kingfisher

Male Belted Kingfisher (Photo by U.S. Fish & Wildlife Southwest Region)
Female Belted Kingfisher (Photo by USFWS Midwest Region)

Belted Kingfishers are short, compact birds with large pointed bills. Males are grayish blue with a large crest, a white underside, and a grayish blue band across their chest. Females look similar to the males but have rust on their sides and a second band (rust colored) underneath the blue chest band. Both males and females have a white spot near their eye on each side of the head.


Belted Kingfishers winter in Northern South America, Central America, Mexico, and the Southern United States. In spring they migrate north throughout most on the United States, Canada, and Alaska where they spend the summer. Some Belted Kingfishers stay in the Northern United States year round provided there is open water.

Diet and Foraging Habits

Belted Kingfishers are primarily fish-eaters, choosing to eat fish that are on the medium to small side such as sticklebacks and various minnows. They find and catch prey by sitting high on a perch and scanning for fish by sight. Once they spot something they want, they dive in head first and use their bill to grab onto the food item. In addition to fish, Belted Kingfishers will also eat amphibians, reptiles, crustaceans, and small mammals.

Where to Find This Bird

Belted Kingfishers can be found near water including rivers, ponds, streams, and lakes. Clear water is most optimal for kingfishers as they need to be able to see prey in order to catch it. Listen for this species rattling call and look for them swooping low as they fly from perch to perch.


Kingfishers are unique birds that occupy a very specific niche in the ecosystem. With just one species living in Oregon, any encounter with one of these vibrant and energetic birds is sure to be a Belted Kingfisher. Hopefully this post has helped answer some of your questions about the Kingfishers of Oregon.

If you enjoyed this post, please give it a like and a comment. Also be sure to check out the Badgerland Birding YouTube Channel

Wrens of Michigan (5 Species to Know)

Wrens are goofy and fast-moving little birds that are absolutely loaded with attitude. Due to their small size and quickness, they can be very difficult to identify. Luckily, many of them have differences in habitat as well as some key features to keep an eye out for that can be used to help differentiate them.

In Michigan, there are five wren species and one that visit annually. Here is everything that you need to know about these five species.

Carolina Wren

Carolina wren

Carolina Wrens are on the larger side among wrens. They have a reddish brown back, head, and wings with a peach colored underside. They have a white throat and a very well defined white eye stripe.


Carolina Wrens are not migratory and live throughout the Eastern United States with the exception of some of the states in the Northeast and the Midwest. They can be found as far west as Texas and as far south as Mexico and even some Central American Countries. The Carolina Wren’s range is actually believed to be expanding as they are showing up farther and farther north each year.

Diet and Foraging Habits

Carolina Wrens eat many different varieties of invertebrates including spiders, moths, and crickets among others. They also eat pulp and seeds from fruit in addition to small vertebrates on occasion.

Where to Find This Bird

Carolina Wrens live in a variety of habitats ranging from woodlands, to scrubland, to backyards. Typically, anywhere that has some sort of cover will serve as a good home for this species. Carolina Wrens are often heard before they are seen, making a call that some say sounds like a tea kettle.

House Wren

House Wren

House Wrens are a small, grayish brown species that is fairly uniform in color with darker brown barring on the wings and tail. They will vary slightly in color and pattern depending on region.


House Wrens are widespread across North America and South America with South America being a year-round home for this species. In winter, House Wren’s reside in the Southern US and Mexico. They make their way north in spring, eventually ending up covering most of the Continental United States and parts of Southern Canada.

Diet and Foraging Habits

House Wrens are insectivorous, eating mostly insects and other invertebrates that move along the ground such as beetles and spiders. They have also been known to eat flying insects such as dragonflies and moths as well.

Where to Find This Bird

House Wrens can be found in many different habitats. Essentially, as long as there is some vegetation to hide in, House Wrens will probably be around. They are common in back yards where they can be heard making their chattering call.

Marsh Wren

Marsh Wren – Photo by USFWS Mountain-Prairie

Marsh Wrens have a reddish brow back with dark barring on their wings and tail. They have white stripes on their upper back and a buffy to white colored eye stripe. Marsh Wrens have a light underside and often times have buffy sides.


Marsh Wrens winter in Mexico and the Southern United States. In spring, they move north and spend the summer in the Northern United States and parts of Southern Canada. Interestingly, Marsh Wrens are year-round residents in some parts of the US including along the east and west coasts, as well as states such as Colorado and Utah among others.

Diet and Foraging Habits

Marsh Wrens consume Insects and and other invertebrates. They often feed close to the base of vegetation in swampy habitats.

Where to Find This Bird

As their name suggests, Marsh Wrens can be found in marshy habitats with lots of vegetation and standing water. They occupy both freshwater wetlands and coastal salt marshes.

Sedge Wren

Sedge Wren

Sedge Wrens are a sandy to brownish color with lighter coloration on their sides. Their back, wings, tail, and head are darker tan to brown with light head striping, and darker barring on the wings and tail. They have a white throat, a white underside, and a tan eyebrow stripe.


Sedge Wrens winter in Northeastern Mexico and the Southeastern United States. In spring, they move north into many of the Midwestern states, Great Lakes area, and South-central Canada.

Diet and Foraging Habits

Sedge Wrens eat insects and other invertebrates that they pick from dense vegetation. They may also eat small amounts of seeds.

Where to Find This Bird

Sedge Wrens reside in thick vegetation such as grasses, and of course sedges. Look for damp fields with tall grass or other plants, and Sedge Wrens will most likely be around.

Winter Wren

Winter Wren – Photo by Alan Schmierer

Winter Wrens are reddish brown with a lighter shade of color on their throat and underside. They have barring and speckling on their sides, tail, back, and wings. This species has a lighter colored eye stripe and has a very short stiff looking tail.


Winter Wrens spend the winter in the Southeastern United States with the exception of Southern Florida. In spring, they move north into many of the Great Lakes states and much of Southeastern Canada. Winter Wrens can also be found in parts of Western Canada in summer. There are also some areas in the Northeastern United States where this species can be found year round.

Diet and Foraging Habits

Winter Wrens eat Insects and other invertebrates. During the winter, they have also been known to eat berries. They typically forage along the ground, searching logs and vegetation for small creatures to eat.

Where to Find This Bird

Winter Wrens can be found in forested habitats as well as shrubby areas with thick underbrush. They seem to enjoy spending time in tangled branches, often making them difficult to get a clear look at. In lowland areas with dense understory, keep an eye out for this small, quick moving species.


Wrens are fun birds to find due to their energetic personalities and feisty attitudes. Knowing the species that are expected in your state can be instrumental in identifying which one you are looking at in the field. Hopefully, this article has helped in answering some questions about the Wrens of Michigan.

If you enjoyed this post, please give it a like and a comment. Also be sure to check out the Badgerland Birding YouTube Channel.

Nuthatches of Oregon (3 Species to Know)

Nuthatches are goofy birds that move along tree trunks and branches looking for food. There are four species of nuthatches that live in the United States and three of them can be found in Oregon. Here is everything you need to know about these three species.

Pygmy Nuthatch

Pygmy Nuthatch – Photo by Robb Hannawacker

True to their name, Pygmy Nuthatches are a small and stubby looking bird with a blueish-gray back and wings, tan underside, and brown cap. They have a darker brown line over their eye.


Pygmy Nuthatches live in specific pockets of suitable habitat in Mexico and the western half of the continental United States. Their range also includes a small part of southwestern Canada.

Diet and Foraging Habits

Pygmy Nuthatches search bark and clusters of conifer needles for small invertebrates including insects and spiders. They will also eat seeds and are known to come to bird feeders. These energetic birds will cache seeds in crevices to save for later and feed very acrobatically, always hopping around and often making their squeaky call.

Where to Find This Bird

Pygmy Nuthatches can be found in conifer forests, particularly forests with tall Ponderosa Pines. These birds often forage in groups and can be seen in flight going from tree to tree.

Red-breasted Nuthatch

Red-breasted Nuthatch

Red-breasted Nuthatches are personable and energetic birds with blueish gray backs, rusty orange undersides, and white heads with black stripes. Males have slightly more striking colors than females, but both have the same general patterns and colors.


Red-breasted Nuthatches live year-round in the northern forests of North America including the southwestern portion of Alaska, much of Canada, and parts of the Northern, Eastern, and Western United States. As early as July, Red-breasted Nuthatches start making their way south for the winter. They can end up as far south as Texas and Louisiana depending on the year.

Diet and Foraging Habits

Red-breasted Nuthatches eat insects and other invertebrates like spiders when they are available. In times of the year when insects are not around, these birds eat conifer seeds. They will also visit bird feeders and take seeds to either eat in a nearby tree or save for later.

Where to Find This Bird

Red-breasted Nuthatches are birds of conifer forests and can usually be found in locations with healthy cone crops. They will also visit bird feeders where they show up momentarily and are gone just as fast as they came in.

Badgerland Birding searches for Red-breasted Nuthatches

White-breasted Nuthatch

White-breasted Nuthatch

White-breasted Nuthatches have a blueish gray back and wings, white face and underside, and black back of the neck and top of the head. They have rust color on their underside near the tail.


White-breasted Nuthatches are year-round residents of most states i the United States with only just a few regions such as South Texas not playing host to this species. They also live in southern Canada and much of Mexico with the exception of the coasts.

Diet and Foraging Habits

White-breasted Nuthatches eat primarily insects and other invertebrates. Much of the time they find such food items by climbing up and down branches and tree trunks and investigating each crevice in the bark. This species will also eat seeds, and even things such as suet and peanut butter. They are a common sight at bird feeders where they will take a seed and fly off to eat it or cache it for later.

Where to Find This Bird

White-breasted Nuthatches are a common species in deciduous forests. They also live in edge habitat and in parks and backyards. White-breasted Nuthatches are seen often at bird feeders and usually only stay for a short time to take food and leave, returning frequently to repeat this routine.


Nuthatches are goofy and entertaining species that are very fun to watch. They are commonly encountered birds due to their propensity for visiting bird feeders. They are certainly a species worth knowing since you are certain to run into them while out in the field.

We hope you enjoyed this post! Be sure to check out the Badgerland Birding YouTube channel for all different types of bird videos.

Terns of West Virginia (5 Species)

Terns are some of the most sleek and acrobatic species of birds in the world. They swiftly swoop, hover, and dive through the skies across North America. With many terns having similar looking plumages, they can be difficult to tell apart. Fortunately, with a little knowledge about tern identification and where they are most expected, it becomes easier to tell them apart.

West Virginia is home to four species of terns that are annual but for the most part fairly uncommon in the state, in addition to one species that is extremely rare. Here is everything that you need to know about the terns of West Virginia.

Arctic Tern (Rare)

Arctic Tern – Photo by Bill Grossmeyer

Arctic Terns in breeding plumage have a clean white body with gray wings, a dark black cap on the head, a reddish orange bill, and short reddish orange legs. In nonbreeding plumage, the black cap is replaced by a black stripe over the eye and the legs and bill are black as opposed to reddish orange.


Arctic Terns are extreme long-distance migrants spending the summer in Northern Canada, Alaska, and the Northern most parts of Europe. They winter in Antarctica, meaning they fly from pole to pole each migratory season.

Diet and Foraging Habits

Arctic Terns feed mostly on fish but will also eat insects. To catch fish, these birds will hover above the water and plunge in headfirst to try and nab prey just below the surface.

Where to Find this Bird

Arctic Terns are a species that is rare in most parts of the continental United States and can usually only be seen during migration. Look for this species near large bodies of water as they typically migrate offshore. Keep an eye out for a short and stout looking tern amongst Common Terns and Forster’s Terns.

Black Tern

Black Tern – Photo by U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Northeast Region

In breeding plumage, Black Terns have gray wings with white on the shoulder area. They have an overall black body and head, black bill and legs, and white underside behind the legs. Nonbreeding Black Terns are much paler with a white head and body and just a small patch of black color near the eye.


Black Terns winter in Northern South America and make their migratory journey north in spring when they spread out across most of Mexico and the continental United States. They breed in South-central Canada and the Northern United States.

Diet and Foraging Habits

Black Terns are very acrobatic as they forage for food and catch prey on the fly. They eat small fish and insects, usually by flying low over marshy areas. One interesting thing about Black Terns is that they do not plunge into the water to catch fish like many other tern species do.

Where to Find This Bird

In winter, Black Terns can be found around coastal habitats but in spring and summer, marshes and swamps become the best place to locate this species.

Caspian Tern

Caspian Tern

Caspian Terns are extremely large for terns. In fact, they are the largest tern species in the entire world. They are white with gray wings, black legs, and a chunky red bill. Caspian Terns also have a black cap in breeding plumage which fades in nonbreeding plumage and looks more like a black smudge near the eye.


Caspian Terns are extremely widespread in not only North America but the entire world. This species got their name due to the fact that they were common around the Caspian Sea (which they still are to this day). Caspian Terns can be found along the coasts of Australia, Africa, Southern Asia, Europe, and North America.

In North America, Caspian Terns winter in Mexico, Souther California, the Gulf Coast, Florida, and along the Atlantic Coast. They migrate north in spring and nest in parts of Canada, the Western United States, and the Great Lakes.

Diet and Foraging Habits

Caspian Terns primarily feed on fish but will also eat crustaceans and insects. This species feeds in the same way that other terns do; flying above the water to search for food and diving headfirst into the water when they see something they want to catch.

Where to Find this Bird

Caspian Terns frequent ocean coastlines as well as the shores of large inland bodies of water. They are most easy to find during migration when they show up in fairly large numbers along beaches and can be seen and heard flying over the water. In the Midwestern states, the Great Lakes are a fantastic place to find this species.

Common Tern

Common Tern – Photo by Michele Lamberti

In breeding plumage, Common Terns have a white head and body with gray wings, a black cap, an orange bill with a black tip, and orange legs. An important feature in Common Terns that separates them from the nearly identical Forster’s Tern is the color of the primary feathers in adults. In Common Terns they will be dark gray while in Forster’s Terns they will be light gray to white. Nonbreeding adults will not have a complete black cap but rather a partial cap with the front of the head showing white.


Common Terns winter along the Coasts of South America, Central America, Mexico, and the Gulf of Mexico. In spring they move north into Canada and parts of the Northern United States, including the Great Lakes states.

Diet and Foraging Habits

Common Terns eat primarily small fish but will also eat crustaceans and other marine and freshwater invertebrates. They will catch fish from the surface of the water while flying or dive into the water to catch prey.

Where to Find this Bird

Common Terns are birds of coasts and shorelines. They are typically found along large bodies of water such as the oceans and the Great Lakes. They can be seen resting on beaches and sandbars.

Forster’s Tern

Forster’s Tern – Photo by Bill Grossmeyer

Breeding plumage Forster’s Terns have a white body and white forked tail, orange legs, an orange bill with a black tip, and a black cap going from their neck to their bill. They have light gray wings and light-colored wingtips (which is an import thing to note when differentiating between Forster’s Terns and Common Terns).

Nonbreeding Forster’s Terns look almost the same as in breeding plumage but instead of a full black cap, they have a black streak that covers their eye.


Forster’s Terns winter along the Southern coasts of the United States and Mexico. They migrate north during the spring and breed in Southern Canada, portions of the Western U.S. and specific places along the Great Lakes. Forster’s Terns are year-round residents of Eastern Texas and Southern Louisiana in addition to parts of the Atlantic Coast near North Carolina and Maryland.

Diet and Foraging Habits

Forster’s Terns feed primarily on fish which they catch in a very distinctive manor. These terns will hover above the water, and suddenly plunge themselves below the surface. In addition to fish, they will also eat insects.

Where to Find this Bird

Forster’s Terns can be found in both freshwater and saltwater marshes in addition to coastlines.


Terns are quick and acrobatic birds that can sometimes be difficult to identify since so many of them are similar looking. Knowing the species that are expected in your state can be instrumental in identifying which one you are looking at in the field. Hopefully, this article has helped in answering some questions about the terns of West Virginia.

If you enjoyed this post, please give it a like and a comment. Also be sure to check out the Badgerland Birding YouTube Channel.

Falcons of the Oregon (5 Species to Know)

Falcons are the stealth fighter jets of the bird world. Recording some of the fastest speeds of all winged animals, these dynamic flyers are captivating to watch.

There are seven species of falcons that can be found in the United States on an annual basis with five of them being found in Oregon. Here is everything you need to know about those five species.

American Kestrel

American Kestrel

The American Kestrel is a small and colorful bird. Males have a rusty colored back as well as a lighter rusty colored underside. They have blue on their wings and the top of their head along with black markings near their eye. Females are lighter overall with rusty orange barring on their wings, back, and tail.


American Kestrels live in both South America and North America. In North America, Kestrels are migratory and reside in Mexico in winter, then move into Canada during the breeding season. Throughout much of the United States, American Kestrels can be found year round.

Diet and Foraging Habits

American Kestrels eat small creatures including insects, reptiles, amphibians, birds, and rodents. In terms of the insects they eat, some of the most commonly consumed are grasshoppers, dragonflies, and cicadas.

Where to Find this Bird

American Kestrels are a common sight along roadsides and in open fields. They can be seen on telephone poles and wires or perched on dead trees and other structures. Kestrels can also be found in urban parks, pastures, and farm fields.

Gyrfalcon (Uncommon)

Gyrfalcon (dfaulder Photo – CC by 2.0)

Gyrfalcons come in two different color morphs. Living in the high arctic is the white morph which essentially looks like someone took the look of a Snowy Owl and put it on a large falcon. They are pure white with black markings on their wings. The gray morph typically lives farther south and has a gray back and head with dark barring on the underside. They have dark teardrop markings underneath the eye.


Gyrfalcons breed in the arctic with some migrating into the Northern United States to spend the winter. There is a population that lives in mid to Northern Canada and Alaska that most likely stay in the same area year round.

Diet and Foraging Habits

Gyrfalcons feed mostly on medium sized birds such as ptarmigans and seabirds. They will also eat mammals such as lemmings and typically dive onto prey from above.

Where to Find this Bird

Gyrfalcons are most typically found in the continental United States in winter. They like open spaces such as tundras and coast lines where they can survey for prey.

In most parts of the United States species is quite rare and seems to show up even less often than it used to. They can sometimes be found in parts of the Northern United States but tracking one down is even more difficult than it used to be since specific locations of Gyrfalcon sightings are hidden on eBird.


Merlin (Bill Thompson photo)

Merlins are very small members of the falcon family looking similar in size to a Mourning Dove. They have a blueish gray to black back, wings, and head, and a buffy to brown streaked underside. Merlins can differ in color based on region but always maintain a somewhat similar appearance. Most of the time they will have a white eye brow stripe.


Merlins winter in Northern South America, Central America, Mexico, the Southeastern United States, and most of the Western United States. In spring they migrate north ending up in only the most Northern parts of the U.S. and much of Canada and Alaska. There is an area from the Northwestern part of the United States to the Southwestern part of Alaska where Merlins live year round. Some individuals stay all winter in Northern states as well.

Diet and Foraging Habits

Merlins primarily eat small birds such as waxwings, sparrows, and even shorebirds. In addition to birds, they also eat insects and rodents.

Where to Find this Bird

Merlins can be tricky to find as encountering one typically seems like a matter of luck. They can be found in wooded areas as well as in open areas where they will be surveying for food. Sometimes the easiest way to see them is in flight when they will be moving at high speeds.

Personal Experience: It seems like if I ever go out intentionally trying to find Merlins there aren’t any around. Each year I typically find one by chance while out birding. It seems that even though they aren’t necessarily supposed to winter in the northern U.S. that is when I see them most.

Peregrine Falcon

Peregrine Falcon (Betsy Matsubara Photo – CC by 2.0)

Peregrine Falcons are iconic birds with a dark back, wings, head, and neck. They have a light underside with dark barring and noticeable bright yellow legs. This species has interesting facial markings that some people refer to as “sideburns” and are essentially dark coloration coming down below the eye onto the cheeks of the bird.


The Peregrine Falcon’s range in North America is complicated with a general pattern of wintering in the Southeastern United States and Mexico, summering in Northern Canada, and migrating throughout the rest of the continent. However, there are many places in the continental United States that Peregrine Falcons breed in during summer (such as along Lake Superior) and live year round (such as most of the Pacific Coast, and around the Great Lakes).

This species not only lives in North America, but every other continent as well with the exception of Antarctica.

Diet and Foraging Habits

Peregrine Falcons are the fastest fliers in the entire animal kingdom reaching normal speeds of around 70 miles per hour and a diving speed of around 200 miles per hour. They use this incredible speed to hunt medium sized birds such as doves and ducks, but they have been observed taking on an extremely wide array of different bird species. Peregrine Falcons will also eat fish, and mammals.

Where to Find this Bird

Peregrine Falcons have adapted well to human habitation and use skyscrapers as nesting sites. In more wild areas they will use cliffs as nest sites. Peregrine Falcons can be reliable sights in places where people have placed nest boxes specifically for the species to breed in. Often times these places have corresponding nest cams that can be viewed online.

Prairie Falcon

Prairie Falcon (Charles Gates Photo – CC by 2.0)

Prairie Falcons have a light brown back, wings, and head with a white underside barred with brown. They have a different facial pattern than the Peregrine Falcon with a brown teardrop marking below the eye that contrasts the pure white of the cheeks and chin.


Prairie Falcons are birds of the Western United States, living year round in most states west of Minnesota and Louisiana. They also live in parts of Mexico and Southwestern Canada year round. In winter, some individuals move east into more of the Great Plains states.

Diet and Foraging Habits

Prairie Falcons eat many different small mammals in addition to insects and birds. Like most falcons, they have quite a varied diet in terms of the bird species they eat.

Where to Find this Bird

True to their name, Prairie Falcons live in open spaces such as grasslands, fields, tundra, and farmland. They nest in places with bluffs and cliffs but are most easily seen hunting. Prairie Falcons are often on the move and cruise the open spaces looking for food. They can also sometimes be seen perched on branches or telephone poles.


Falcons are always entertaining to see, and knowing which ones to expect in your state can be a key part of correctly identifying the bird you are seeing.

If you enjoyed this post, please give it a like and a comment. Also be sure to check out the Badgerland Birding YouTube Channel.

Nuthatches of Michigan (2 Species to Know)

Nuthatches are goofy birds that move along tree trunks and branches looking for food. There are four species of nuthatches that live in the United States and two of them can be found in Michigan. Here is everything you need to know about these two species.

White-breasted Nuthatch

White-breasted Nuthatch

White-breasted Nuthatches have a blueish gray back and wings, white face and underside, and black back of the neck and top of the head. They have rust color on their underside near the tail.


White-breasted Nuthatches are year-round residents of most states i the United States with only just a few regions such as South Texas not playing host to this species. They also live in southern Canada and much of Mexico with the exception of the coasts.

Diet and Foraging Habits

White-breasted Nuthatches eat primarily insects and other invertebrates. Much of the time they find such food items by climbing up and down branches and tree trunks and investigating each crevice in the bark. This species will also eat seeds, and even things such as suet and peanut butter. They are a common sight at bird feeders where they will take a seed and fly off to eat it or cache it for later.

Where to Find This Bird

White-breasted Nuthatches are a common species in deciduous forests. They also live in edge habitat and in parks and backyards. White-breasted Nuthatches are seen often at bird feeders and usually only stay for a short time to take food and leave, returning frequently to repeat this routine.

Red-breasted Nuthatch

Red-breasted Nuthatch

Red-breasted Nuthatches are personable and energetic birds with blueish gray backs, rusty orange undersides, and white heads with black stripes. Males have slightly more striking colors than females but both have the same general patterns and colors.


Red-breasted Nuthatches live year-round in the northern forests of North America including the southwestern portion of Alaska, much of Canada, and parts of the Northern, Eastern, and Western United States. As early as July, Red-breasted Nuthatches start making their way south for the winter. They can end up as far south as Texas and Louisiana depending on the year.

Diet and Foraging Habits

Red-breasted Nuthatches eat insects and other invertebrates like spiders when they are available. In times of the year when insects are not around, these birds eat conifer seeds. They will also visit bird feeders and take seeds to either eat in a nearby tree or save for later.

Where to Find This Bird

Red-breasted Nuthatches are birds of conifer forests and can usually be found in locations with healthy cone crops. They will also visit bird feeders where they show up momentarily and are gone just as fast as they came in.

Badgerland Birding searches for Red-breasted Nuthatches


Nuthatches are goofy and entertaining species that are very fun to watch. They are commonly encountered birds due to their propensity for visiting bird feeders. They are certainly a species worth knowing since you are certain to run into them while out in the field.

We hope you enjoyed this post! Be sure to check out the Badgerland Birding YouTube channel for all different types of bird videos.

Plovers of Michigan (5 Species to Know)

Plovers are a type of shorebird characterized by their round appearance and often look plump. They can be found near water or in open fields. While they are a sub-group of shorebirds, there are many species of plovers in the United States. In this post, you will be able to see all of the expected plovers in Michigan.

American Golden-plover

American golden-plover in breeding plumage (Peter Pearsall Photo)
American Golden-plover in nonbreeding plumage (Alan Schmierer Photo)

The American Golden-plover is quite an impressive looking bird when in breeding plumage. They have a black underside, beautiful golden feathers on the back and wings, and a white marking that goes all the way from the bill to the shoulder. In nonbreeding plumage, American Golden-plovers are buffy colored with gold and brown speckled wings, back, and head. During certain times of the year these birds will be half way between breeding and nonbreeding plumage as they transition.


Like many shorebird species, American Golden-plovers are long distance migrants. They winter in Southeastern South America and fly all the way to their breeding areas in Alaska and the northern most parts of Canada.

Diet and Foraging Habits

American Golden-plovers feed mostly on invertebrates including insect larva and worms. They have also been known to eat some plant-based foods as well, including berries. This species hunts by running along the ground, periodically stopping to scan for food.

Where to Find this Bird

American Golden-plovers are most often found in the continental United States during fall migration. Some common places to find them are in agricultural fields, along lake shores, and at sod farms.

Black-bellied Plover

Black-bellied Plover in breeding plumage (under the same moon Photo CC by 2.0)
Black-bellied Plover in nonbreeding plumage (Susan Young Photo)


Black-bellied Plovers are large as far as plovers go, similar in size to American Golden-plovers, but a little more stocky. They have black on their face, chest, and underside, but unlike American Golden-plovers they have a white under tail. They have white mottling on their back and wings as well as a white head and white stripe from the bill down to the shoulders.

In nonbreeding plumage, Black-bellied Plovers are much more sandy colored with darker shades on the wings, back, and head. In both breeding and nonbreeding plumage, this species shows black patches under the wing, visible in flight.


The Black-bellied Plover is extremely widespread across the globe with numerous sightings in every continent except for Antarctica. In North America, they summer in the most Northern parts of Canada and migrate south to the coasts of both the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean. During migration, they can be found inland on an annual basis.

Diet and Foraging Habits

Black-bellied Plovers eat a wide variety of invertebrates including insects, worms, urchins, crabs and much more. They will forage in farm fields and on mud flats in both fresh and salt water.

Where to Find this Bird

The best time to find Black-bellied Plovers is during winter and during fall migration. In winter, both the Atlantic and the Pacific coasts of the United States play host to the species. Look for them on beaches, mudflats, and break walls where they will be sitting on large rocks. During migration, sod farms, agricultural fields, and the shores of inland lakes are good places to search for Black-bellied Plovers.


Killdeer (Tom Koerner Photo)

The Killdeer is a widespread and recognizable bird in the plover family. They have a brown head, back, and wings, with a white underside. They have several black markings on their chest and head with two bands on their chest and two on the head with one of the stripes on the forehead and another looking something like a mustache. They have a rusty colored tail and a noticeable red eye.


Killdeer do not migrate as far as other plover species, and many of them live in the United States and parts of Western South America year round. The Killdeer that do migrate, go from Northern South America, Central America, and Southern Mexico, into the United States, and end up breeding in either the U.S. or Southern Canada.

Diet and Foraging Habits

Killdeer run along the ground as they forage for food. They consume mostly invertebrates such as grasshoppers, worms, snails, and insect larva. They will forage both near water as well as in drier open areas.

Where to Find this Bird

Killdeer are common throughout most of the United States in the summer and are one of the first birds to return north in spring. Look for them in open areas with a lot of flat land such as athletic fields, sod farms, plowed fields, and even gravel lots. Listen for their “kill-deer” call as the walk around or fly over.

Other Notes: Killdeer are known for doing a broken wing display to distract predators and eventually lead them away from their nests. This behavior can be seen often during the nesting season.

Piping Plover

Piping Plover in breeding plumage (Derek Sallmann Photo)
Piping Plover in nonbreeding plumage (Ryan Sallmann Photo)

Piping Plovers are relatively small plovers with a brownish gray back and head, with a white underside, and white stripe over the eye. In breeding plumage, this species has black on the forehead and black around the neck. Nonbreeding adults and immature birds lack these black markings.


Piping Plovers winter on the Southern Atlantic Coast as well as the Gulf Coast. In spring they move north to their breeding areas in the North-central United States, South-central Canada, the Northeastern United States, and some of the Great Lakes states.

Diet and Foraging Habits

Piping Plovers forage near the edge of the water searching for small invertebrates. They will forage in both marine and freshwater environments.

Where to Find this Bird

Piping Plovers breed in areas with sandy beaches and sparse vegetation. They show up along lake shores, ocean coastlines, and even rivers during migration.

Semipalmated Plover

Semipalmated Plover in breeding plumage (Ryan Sallmann Photo)
Semipalmated Plover in nonbreeding plumage (Ryan Sallmann photo)

Semipalmated Plovers are on the small side for shorebirds and have a brown back and wings, and a white underside. In breeding plumage they have a black band on their upper chest as well as a black mask. In nonbreeding plumage, the black on this species is much less visible or gone altogether.


Semipalmated Plovers breed in the arctic and make their way south in fall. They winter along the ocean coasts of the United States, Mexico, and South America. They move through most regions of the United States in fall.

Diet and Foraging Habits

Semipalmated Plovers feed near the waters edge and occasionally wade in to very shallow water. They eat mostly aquatic invertebrates including worms and small crustaceans.

Where to Find this Bird

For people who live on the ocean coastlines, look for Semipalmated Plovers on beaches and mudflats in winter. For those that live in the interior of the country, the best time to see this species is during fall migration where they can be fund on inland lakes and sandbars.


Plovers are a fascinating and cute looking group of shorebirds that are certainly worth knowing more about. Getting acquainted with these five species can make it much easier to know what to expect in the field.

If you enjoyed this post, please give it a like and a comment. Also be sure to check out the Badgerland Birding YouTube Channel.

Egrets of Oregon (3 Species to Know)

Egrets are elegant looking wading birds in the same family as herons. There are a four different species of Egrets that live in the United States and 3 species that can be found in Oregon.

Western Cattle Egret (Rare)

Cattle Egret

Cattle egrets are medium sized white birds with a yellow bill, yellow legs and feet, and yellowish green coloration behind their eye. Breeding adults have peach coloration on their head, wings, and underside while nonbreeding adults are pure white. 


Cattle Egrets are actually native to Africa but at some point made their way over to South America and then eventually spread north into Central America, Mexico, and the United States. In the US, they can be found year round in the Gulf Coast and some of the Southwestern states. In spring, they migrate north and breed in the Southeastern United States as well as seemingly random other parts of the country. Some of these more strange breeding locations are parts of the Dakotas, Idaho, Oregon, Colorado, Wisconsin, and even parts of Southern Canada.

Diet and Foraging Habits

Cattle Egrets have a widely varied diet which includes small mammals, amphibians, lizards, and even other birds. The majority of their diet however, is comprised of insects. Cattle Egrets have a habit of spending time near heards of cattle that kick up insects such as crickets and grasshoppers as they graze. The Egrets will also forage near heavy machinery in farm fields for the same reason. This species will feed alone or in large groups.

Where to Find This Bird

Cattle Egrets can be found in open fields, typically near grazing cattle. They can also be found on the edges of marshes and swamps. Sometimes, extremely large numbers of Cattle Egrets gather together to forage or roost.

Great Egret

Great Egret

Great egrets are large heron-shaped birds with a long neck. They are pure white with black legs. a yellow bill, and green coloration from the bill to the eye. They can also have more of a yellowish color behind their eye. Out of all of the egret species that live in the state, the aptly named Great Egret is the largest.


Great Egrets live in South and Central America year round. They are also year long residents of the coasts of Mexico, both the Gulf Coast and the East Coast of the United States, and parts of California. In spring, they migrate north and breed in parts of Wisconsin, Iowa, Illinois and Missouri along with other states in the region in addition to parts of Oregon.

Diet and Foraging Habits

Great Egrets are wading birds which means they will walk in shallow water and search for food. Their preferred food sources are small fish, frogs, small mammals, aquatic invertebrates, and essentially any living creature that they can get down their throat.

Where to Find This Bird

Great Egrets can be found in places with slow moving or even standing water. They can be readily spotted standing on the edges of ponds, in shallow marshes, and in coastal estuaries. They are also common in man-made canals and in lakes.

Snowy Egret (Uncommon)

Snowy Egret

Snowy Egrets are relatively small wading birds that are clean white with a black bill and black legs. They have yellow behind the bill and also have distinctive and noticeable yellow feet. They are significantly smaller than Great Egrets, so if the two are in the same vicinity, they are easy to tell apart based on size.


Snowy Egrets are year round residents of South America, the Carribean Islands, Cuba, the coasts of Mexico, the Southwestern United States, The Gulf Coast, and the Southeastern Coast of the United States. Some of the population migrates north into the United States, most notably farther up the Atlantic Coast, and the Southwestern states. During migration, Snowy Egrets can be found in a wide variety of places in the United States including the Midwest.

Diet and Foraging Habits

Snowy Egrets feed primarily on aquatic creatures such as fish, frogs, and crustaceans among others. They will feed in both marine and freshwater environments, and typically catch prey by wading into the water and stirring up small creatures with their feet.

Where to Find This Bird

The best places to find Snowy Egrets are along ocean coastlines with shallow water. These birds can typically be seen wading into the water and searching for food. They can also be found inland in marshes and other places with shallow water and mudflats.


Egrets are quite beautiful birds that can be fun to observe as they go about their daily lives. Knowing the species that are expected in your state can be instrumental in identifying which one you’re looking at. Hopefully, this article has helped to answer some questions about the egrets of Oregon.

If you enjoyed this post, please give it a like and a comment. Also be sure to check out the Badgerland Birding YouTube Channel

Plovers of West Virginia (4 Species to Know)

Plovers are a type of shorebird characterized by their round appearance and often look plump. They can be found near water or in open fields. While they are a sub-group of shorebirds, there are many species of plovers in the United States. In this post, you will be able to see all of the expected plovers in West Virginia.

American Golden-plover (Rare)

American golden-plover in breeding plumage (Peter Pearsall Photo)
American Golden-plover in nonbreeding plumage (Alan Schmierer Photo)

The American Golden-plover is quite an impressive looking bird when in breeding plumage. They have a black underside, beautiful golden feathers on the back and wings, and a white marking that goes all the way from the bill to the shoulder. In nonbreeding plumage, American Golden-plovers are buffy colored with gold and brown speckled wings, back, and head. During certain times of the year these birds will be half way between breeding and nonbreeding plumage as they transition.


Like many shorebird species, American Golden-plovers are long distance migrants. They winter in Southeastern South America and fly all the way to their breeding areas in Alaska and the northern most parts of Canada.

Diet and Foraging Habits

American Golden-plovers feed mostly on invertebrates including insect larva and worms. They have also been known to eat some plant-based foods as well, including berries. This species hunts by running along the ground, periodically stopping to scan for food.

Where to Find this Bird

American Golden-plovers are most often found in the continental United States during fall migration. Some common places to find them are in agricultural fields, along lake shores, and at sod farms.

Black-bellied Plover (Rare)

Black-bellied Plover in breeding plumage (under the same moon Photo CC by 2.0)
Black-bellied Plover in nonbreeding plumage (Susan Young Photo)


Black-bellied Plovers are large as far as plovers go, similar in size to American Golden-plovers, but a little more stocky. They have black on their face, chest, and underside, but unlike American Golden-plovers they have a white under tail. They have white mottling on their back and wings as well as a white head and white stripe from the bill down to the shoulders.

In nonbreeding plumage, Black-bellied Plovers are much more sandy colored with darker shades on the wings, back, and head. In both breeding and nonbreeding plumage, this species shows black patches under the wing, visible in flight.


The Black-bellied Plover is extremely widespread across the globe with numerous sightings in every continent except for Antarctica. In North America, they summer in the most Northern parts of Canada and migrate south to the coasts of both the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean. During migration, they can be found inland on an annual basis.

Diet and Foraging Habits

Black-bellied Plovers eat a wide variety of invertebrates including insects, worms, urchins, crabs and much more. They will forage in farm fields and on mud flats in both fresh and salt water.

Where to Find this Bird

The best time to find Black-bellied Plovers is during winter and during fall migration. In winter, both the Atlantic and the Pacific coasts of the United States play host to the species. Look for them on beaches, mudflats, and break walls where they will be sitting on large rocks. During migration, sod farms, agricultural fields, and the shores of inland lakes are good places to search for Black-bellied Plovers.


Killdeer (Tom Koerner Photo)

The Killdeer is a widespread and recognizable bird in the plover family. They have a brown head, back, and wings, with a white underside. They have several black markings on their chest and head with two bands on their chest and two on the head with one of the stripes on the forehead and another looking something like a mustache. They have a rusty colored tail and a noticeable red eye.


Killdeer do not migrate as far as other plover species, and many of them live in the United States and parts of Western South America year round. The Killdeer that do migrate, go from Northern South America, Central America, and Southern Mexico, into the United States, and end up breeding in either the U.S. or Southern Canada.

Diet and Foraging Habits

Killdeer run along the ground as they forage for food. They consume mostly invertebrates such as grasshoppers, worms, snails, and insect larva. They will forage both near water as well as in drier open areas.

Where to Find this Bird

Killdeer are common throughout most of the United States in the summer and are one of the first birds to return north in spring. Look for them in open areas with a lot of flat land such as athletic fields, sod farms, plowed fields, and even gravel lots. Listen for their “kill-deer” call as the walk around or fly over.

Other Notes: Killdeer are known for doing a broken wing display to distract predators and eventually lead them away from their nests. This behavior can be seen often during the nesting season.

Semipalmated Plover

Semipalmated Plover in breeding plumage (Ryan Sallmann Photo)
Semipalmated Plover in nonbreeding plumage (Ryan Sallmann photo)

Semipalmated Plovers are on the small side for shorebirds and have a brown back and wings, and a white underside. In breeding plumage they have a black band on their upper chest as well as a black mask. In nonbreeding plumage, the black on this species is much less visible or gone altogether.


Semipalmated Plovers breed in the arctic and make their way south in fall. They winter along the ocean coasts of the United States, Mexico, and South America. They move through most regions of the United States in fall.

Diet and Foraging Habits

Semipalmated Plovers feed near the waters edge and occasionally wade in to very shallow water. They eat mostly aquatic invertebrates including worms and small crustaceans.

Where to Find this Bird

For people who live on the ocean coastlines, look for Semipalmated Plovers on beaches and mudflats in winter. For those that live in the interior of the country, the best time to see this species is during fall migration where they can be fund on inland lakes and sandbars.


Plovers are a fascinating and cute looking group of shorebirds that are certainly worth knowing more about. Getting acquainted with these four species can make it much easier to know what to expect in the field.

If you enjoyed this post, please give it a like and a comment. Also be sure to check out the Badgerland Birding YouTube Channel.

Jays of Michigan (2 Species to Know)

Jays are intelligent and charismatic birds that are beloved by many birders and feeder watchers. There are two types of jays that can be found in Michigan with one being abundant, and the other being fairly rare. Here is everything you need to know about these two species.

Blue Jay

Blue Jay

Blue Jays are an extremely distinctive species with sky blue on the head, back, wings, and tail. They have a light gray underside and a gray to white face. Blue Jays also have black markings on their wings and tail, as well as a black marking going from the back of the neck to the front of the chest. Blue Jays have a crest on their head that sometimes sticks up quite noticeably, and other times lays down flat. Something interesting about this species is that their markings differ slightly from individual to individual, meaning that each bird is subtly unique looking.


Blue Jays live year round in the Eastern United States and Southeastern Canada. They also inhabit parts of Western Canada. In winter, Blue Jays move south and west with a higher concentration of Blue Jays in the continental United States than in the other seasons and some making it as far west as Washington and Oregon.

Diet and Foraging Habits

Blue Jays primarily eat insects and nuts, but will also eat eggs and nestlings of other birds in addition to small mammals, reptiles, and amphibians.

Where to Find This Bird

Blue Jays live in a wide variety of habitats including forests and backyards. They are especially fond of oak forests as acorns are a staple food item for the species. One of the best ways to see a Blue Jay is to put large nuts such as peanuts out in your yard. Then wait to hear the distinctive calls of Blue Jays that will appear to grab a nut and then quickly fly off.

Canada Jay

Canada Jay

Canada jays (formerly known as Gray Jays) are fairly large birds with a dark gray back, wings, tail, and back of the head. They have a light gray underside and white on their face, forehead, and neck. Juvenile Canada jays are dark gray overall and look significantly different than adults.


Canada Jays are birds of North Americas boreal forests, living in much of Central Canada, the Western Mountains of the United States, and some of the states bordering Canada in the Midwest and Northeast. This species is nonmigratory.

Diet and Foraging Habits

Canada Jays are ultimate omnivores, eating berries, carrion, insects, and even some types of fungi. They are known to take leftover food from humans, earning them the nickname camp robber. They also have been documented eating food soaked in alcohol and consequentially becoming intoxicated, earning them another nickname: Whiskey Jack.

Where to Find This Bird

Canada jays are at home in boreal forests as well as subalpine forests. Depending on the time of the year they can be reclusive while other times they seek out humans in hopes of getting a free meal.

In Michigan, Canada Jays reside in the northern forests of the state yet due to low numbers coupled with the vast expanse of boreal forest in the region, they can be extremely difficult to find. The best way to encounter a Canada Jay is to drive the forest roads and hope to catch a glimpse of one.


Jays are unique birds that can be very fun to see in the wild as their cunning personalities can lead to some entertaining experiences. Knowing the habits, range, and key identification features of each of these species can be incredibly useful in knowing what to look for in the field.

If you enjoyed this post, please give it a like and a comment. Also be sure to check out the Badgerland Birding YouTube Channel.